The Violet Town Action Group, EcoLiving Project designed and project managed these retrofit works during 2009 and 2010, using funding from Sustainability Victoria. Active community members of the EcoLiving Project Committee were Kaye Bradshaw (chair), Tony Nicholas (chair), Kate Stothers, Warwick Paton, Robbie Rae, Marg Healy, Howard Myers, Sally Mann, Robin Landvogt and David Arnold.
Discussion in the Hall during the planning stage of the retrofit, May 2009 From left, Kate Stothers, Robbie Rae, and Kaye Bradshaw of the EcoLiving Project, Pam Ellis, Andie Guerin and Sally Mann of the Hall Committee.
Project partners included the Shire of Strathbogie, which owns and maintains the building, the Hall Committee, and the Kindergarten Committee.
Thanks are due to all the people who supported this retrofit, many of whom gave some or all of their time without payment.
Much of the retrofit work was done by local tradespeople, lead by Trevor Northey, carpenter. David Arnold was engaged to lead the design process, and supervise the work.
David Arnold